How to gain access to inner circle of Top Leaders in your Organisation or your field of work?
If you are aspiring to leap frog into C-level roles in your organisation or in your Career, you can read this article further. It is purely based on my personal experience and acquired knowledge from my circle.
1. Observe
Before being judgemental on the Leader you follow by the public speeches, the write-ups and Media articles, pls observe closely during in-person meeting or close group virtual meetings. These opportunities may be scarce, hard to get.. so use it wisely. Make a note on his/her body language, untold words(gestures), interests and priorities and pain areas.
2. Assess the personality & Traits
Now next step is to acquire others experience in interacting with this leader. Be mindful, you are viewing him/her through others glasses. Don’t draw conclusion based on general perception, it may be deceptive or totally wrong. This assessment is to check on your perceived image against other’s experience.
3. Start communicating..
By this time, you should have sized up his/her aspirations, interests, pain points, priorities, aversions and most importantly common ‘topics’.
A tea break or together in elevator(only you two or with few people around), is right time to strike an interesting conversation. Use below tacts:
a. Be resourceful and informed on topics he/she is interested.
b. Start with different perspective(out of the box) on his/her recent speech or write-up and make him/her eager or curious to know more about your views.
c. Drop your credentials/reputation references by small anecdotes, it should be your real life experience and authentic.
d. Try to subtly flash your networking strength (who’s who) your recent acquaintances which may be of common interest helping his/her role and deliverable.
4. Deliver
At this point you made your name and registered it in his/her mind. Start helping him/her on resolving top priority of pain points which may be out of your scope/role but can be possible with your network or influence.
Empathy is key thing and helping/assisting this person by resolving his/her professional issues will make you move into closer circle.
5. Cash-in
Once you delivered by solved/solving his/her problems or issues, you move into inner circle and considered as trusted confidante. This is the win-win situation you have been looking forward.
By this time, you may be aware of the moments this person is vulnerable(Honest and more approachable may be the right words). You need to make the conversation in a way, that he/she asks for pain points or issues you are facing where he/she can assist. It is always give and take (The “Take” phase may take long time, but it needs to be more natural and spontaneous).
These are hard chances to come by, need to be prepared for this moment and need to ‘ask’ in a subtle manner. Most important thing, it should be possible for them to do the favour or help for your career move or your entrepreneurial ambitions.
Moreover, this article is not about being manipulative. These are tips to have a healthy companionship with Top Leaders or Powerful people and to be a trusted person in their circle. The Universe teaches to “Give” first without expecting any thing in return. This article just gives a structure to “Give” and provide the desired positive impact. If you keep giving, its a cycle… good things will come to you.
With Luv,